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reVive Light Therapy Products and Accessories Reviews

The following blog post reVive Light Therapy Products and Accessories Reviews was originally published to Luna Light Therapy Service Blog

Have you been fighting blotchy skin, wrinkles, acne and pain for some time now? There is a boom of products in the beauty department of your superstore, but you are skeptic about which one would really work, it’s magic on your skin. Well, your days of dilemma are over! reVive Light Therapy brings you products that are 100% safe and effective when it comes to treatment of pain, acne and skin aging. Skincare specialists reVive light therapy bring their tested and proven solutions at an affordable price to your doorstep. Their dpl – deep penetrating light technique makes it possible for the different spectrum lights to permeate deep into the skin, right till the tissues of your body, to replenish your skin and furnish it with efficacious results. Their products provide cellular repair and regeneration of cells and tissues by exposing it to certain wavelengths of the natural light which are devoid of any harmful UV radiations. Production of collagen and elastin, the two primary components of our skin’s tissue, is stimulated naturally and bacteria that causes acne are effectively eliminated. This genius product range is FDA approved and medically tested for your safety and trust. Research and clinical studies have demonstrated dramatic effects in pain relief, injury recovery, acne treatment and anti-aging treatment with light therapy Let’s have a look at the features each of them offers. reVive Light Therapy for Acne Treatment When acne-causing bacteria is exposed to certain spectrums of light, it is rendered lifeless. This is the basic concept on which this amazing wand-like handheld device works. Gone are the days of irritating, painful acne! The deep penetrating light permeates into the skin and destroys the bacteria which is the major cause of skin irritation, flaring up and redness of skin, inflammation, acne and any other skin issues. You will be amazed and fully well satisfied with the results you witness post use – beautiful, clean and clear skin with a youthful glow! The head of this wand is eighty-three percent (83%) bigger than other devices available in the market which provides a larger treatment area. It is safe for all skin types and has no adverse side effects owing to the natural therapy method that it employs. The light used for this treatment against acne is 415 nm wavelength blue light (non-UV) that possess antibacterial and disinfectant properties, i.e., has an ability to target the bacteria that dwell on or under the surface of the skin. LED lights are used for emitting this blue light. Swelling and inflammation subsides with regular use and inhibits further breakouts. The device is safe to use twice or thrice a week and best results can be observed with regular use. You don’t  need to worry about harsh chemicals, or any invasive procedures with this one. Apply on cleaned skin for around 15 minutes; the heat does not burn the skin. The wand is rechargeable and comes with a power cord, instruction manual and a travel bag. What’s more, it […]


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