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Project E Beauty – 7 Color Photon Light Therapy Machine Reviews

The post Project E Beauty – 7 Color Photon Light Therapy Machine Reviews Read more on: Luna Light Therapy LLC

Introduction to Project E Beauty People are constantly trying to prevent acne, repair damages to the skin, clear all types of blemishes and avoid wrinkling. This Light Emitting Diode (LED) product by Project E Beauty is a good way to solve various types of skin problems. It comes as a foldable “U” shaped device with three light panels that emit seven different colors of light essential to solving your skin problems. This product can be used on all types of skin and helps with skin firming, toning and general rejuvenation. We have done a review to help you make an informed decision when purchasing. Criteria- What makes a good product? When you want to purchase a LED skin care device, there are some key elements to look for to make sure you get your money’s worth. The device should be versatile in the sense that it can be used for different parts of the body and to solve different skin problems. It should be easy to use by both professionals and first-time users. It should come with a preset setting for novice users and adjustable settings so that the light is specific to the user’s needs. It should also come with safety goggles to protect the eyes from the emitted light(s). Make sure to avoid lights emitted at a high frequency as this may be dangerous to the eyes and skin The photon therapy can be by different methods such as galvanic induction treatment and solely LED lights emitted in certain frequencies. Regardless, the light emitted should be gentle to the skin. This means that the product should not cause more damages to the skin as light has been known to burn skin, turn it black or dry the skin. It should rather repair skin damage over time The mini-foldable LED Color Photon Therapy fulfills all the requirements for an effective and efficient skin therapy device, and it is also regarded as being innovative with its unique “U” shape which makes it easy to be used in different parts of the body such as the face, neck and chest areas, back and buttocks. Although this device is not galvanic, it has multiple lights which emit certain frequencies that have different beneficial effects on the skin. It also comes with a pair of safety goggles and 300 ml of Duplex E Collagen Protein gel to be applied on the skin. Project E Beauty is leading innovation in the field of photon therapy with products such as the LED mask, and laser comb for hair growth. The mini-foldable Color Photon Therapy has remained one of their best-reviewed products. Color Purposes It has 7 (seven) colors Blue for acne treatment, it decreases inflammation and helps to treat acne. Red is for wrinkle removal, it increases collagen production, removes waste and repairs damaged skin. Yellow helps to promote skin rejuvenation as it tightens the skin and increases the oxygen supply. Green is for comfort and relaxation. All combinations also provide the benefits of the individual […]


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