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5 Best Portable Infrared Saunas For Detox & Health 2017: Reviews & Buying Guide

5 Best Portable Infrared Saunas For Detox & Health 2017: Reviews & Buying Guide was first seen on:

Just hearing someone talk about going to the sauna is enough to start your body relaxing. Imagine if you had access to a sauna anywhere you went. You could reap the benefits provided at any time without trouble. It is possible with the use of a portable infrared sauna?Table Of Contents1 What is Infrared Light?2 Difference Between Far and Near Infrared Heat3 What is a Portable Infrared Sauna?4 How Do Portable Infrared Saunas Work?5 Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Safety6 Benefits to Using Portable Infrared Sauna vs. Traditional Steam Sauna7 Things to Consider Before Buying a Portable Infrared Sauna8 TOP Best 5 Portable Infrared Saunas Reviews8.1 1. Radiant Saunas BSA6310 Rejuvenator Portable Sauna8.2 2. IdealSauna Far Infrared Portable Sauna + Negative Ion Detox8.3 3. Gizmo Supply 1000W Portable Therapeutic Infrared Sauna Spa XL8.4 4. DURHERM XLarge Negative Ion FIR Infrared Portable Indoor Sauna8.5 5. SereneLife Portable Infrared Home Spa | One Person Sauna for Detox & Weight Loss9 Final Thoughts What is Infrared Light?The first thing you need to understand before buying a portable infrared sauna is what infrared light means and does. Infrared light is invisible to the human eye, but felt intensely. The most common and natural source of infrared light is our friend, the sun.When you imagine using infrared light, think about how you feel when you’re being touched by the sun. Infrared light creates heat directly in objects as opposed to in the air around them. So warming happens faster and more evenly.Difference Between Far and Near Infrared HeatNear Infrared Light is emitted by the sun almost half of the time, and is beneficial to your wellbeing. It is best used for raising core body temperature, rejuvenating your skin, providing pain relief, and improving circulation.Far Infrared Light is the commonly recommended type when it comes to use in saunas. This light differs from near infrared in wavelengths and produces a varying effect. With far infrared light you will experience the typical sweating associated with traditional saunas.Far infrared saunas offer the benefits of detoxification, stress reduction, increased metabolism, and weight loss.What is a Portable Infrared Sauna?Investing in a portable infrared sauna is acquiring a piece of equipment that uses light to create heat and can be used anywhere that you are able to transport it to.Saunas are used for a wide variety of reasons including to induce the same type of bodily reaction you achieve from exercise like sweating.Standard saunas must reach extremely high temperatures in order to produce these results in your body. They use heat to warm the air around your body which in turn raises your body’s internal temperature.Infrared saunas on the other hand result in the same reaction at lower temperatures by heating your body directly.How Do Portable Infrared Saunas Work?A portable infrared sauna works in the same way as a regular infrared sauna would. By using infrared light, your body is warmed within the portable sauna. This produces the same detoxifying results that you would experience from using any type of sauna.Electromagnetic Field (EMF) […]


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