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Showing posts from November, 2017

5 Best Portable Infrared Saunas For Detox & Health 2017: Reviews & Buying Guide

5 Best Portable Infrared Saunas For Detox & Health 2017: Reviews & Buying Guide was first seen on: Just hearing someone talk about going to the sauna is enough to start your body relaxing. Imagine if you had access to a sauna anywhere you went. You could reap the benefits provided at any time without trouble. It is possible with the use of a portable infrared sauna?Table Of Contents1 What is Infrared Light?2 Difference Between Far and Near Infrared Heat3 What is a Portable Infrared Sauna?4 How Do Portable Infrared Saunas Work?5 Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Safety6 Benefits to Using Portable Infrared Sauna vs. Traditional Steam Sauna7 Things to Consider Before Buying a Portable Infrared Sauna8 TOP Best 5 Portable Infrared Saunas Reviews8.1 1. Radiant Saunas BSA6310 Rejuvenator Portable Sauna8.2 2. IdealSauna Far Infrared Portable Sauna + Negative Ion Detox8.3 3. Gizmo Supply 1000W Portable Therapeutic Infrared Sauna Spa XL8.4 4. DURHERM XLarge Negative...

Best Shampoos for Sensitive Scalps 2017: Reviews & Buying Guide

Best Shampoos for Sensitive Scalps 2017: Reviews & Buying Guide is courtesy of: Luna Light Therapy Blog Do you suffer from a highly sensitive scalp? Do you often find it difficult to use certain products on your hair because the ingredients in them end up irritating your scalp?If so, you should look into investing into a shampoo that is designed exclusively for sensitive scalps. These shampoos are created with special ingredients, like aloe vera and lavender, which will help to stop itchiness while also hydrating your hair.This article will highlight the best shampoos for sensitive scalps that you should consider using as well as some important things to look for before you invest in one of these shampoos.Table Of Contents1 What Causes a Sensitive Scalp?2 The Effects of a Sensitive Scalp3 How These Shampoos Can Help You4 Things to Look for in a Sensitive Scalp Shampoo5 TOP 10 Best Shampoos For Sensitive Scalps Reviews5.1 Enso Organics Scalp and Hair Deep Conditioner5.2 Maple Holi...

Top 15 Best Organic & Natural Shampoos 2017: Reviews & Buying Guide

The blog post Top 15 Best Organic & Natural Shampoos 2017: Reviews & Buying Guide is available on: Luna Light Therapy If you tend to suffer from very sensitive skin or are just looking for an all-natural shampoo option, organic shampoos are something you should consider using. These shampoos are designed to help prevent irritation from occurring on your scalp and clean your hair with natural ingredients.If you’ve tried to look for organic shampoos before you’ve probably seen quite a few different products. This can end up making it very difficult to find the right shampoo to invest in.The good news is that you don’t have to search any longer. This article will highlight the top 15 best organic shampoos (natural shampoos) reviews on the market today that you should consider investing in.Table Of Contents1 Why Should I Buy an Organic Shampoo?2 The Benefits of Organic Shampoos3 Things to Look for When Buying an Organic Shampoo3.0.1 Aloe Vera3.0.2 A pH Balancer3.0.3 Argan Oil3.0....