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Top 5 Best Cold/Ice Therapy Machines 2017: Reviews & Buying Guide

The following post Top 5 Best Cold/Ice Therapy Machines 2017: Reviews & Buying Guide is courtesy of: Luna Light Therapy LLC

Are you looking for a way to help relieve pain and swelling in your body? If so, you should consider using ice therapy machines. The helpful machines will work to reduce and relieve any pain you might be having. This article will highlight more behind what this device does and showcase the top 5 best ice therapy machines that you should consider using. Quick Navigation What an Ice Therapy Machine IsHow does cold therapy work?How to use cold therapy machine?The Benefits of Using cold therapy machineWhat to Consider Before Buying OneTop 5 Best Cold/Ice Therapy Machines ReviewsPolar Products Active Ice Therapy System 2.0DonJoy Cold Therapy Shoulder WrapARS Aqua Relief System Hot or Cold Water Therapy DeviceCryotherapy Arctic Ice Cold Water Therapy With Universal Therapy PadOssur Cold Rush Cold Therapy System - Unit with Large Shoulder PadConclusion What an Ice Therapy Machine IsAn ice therapy machine is a device designed to help reduce pain and swelling in the body with an extremely cold liquid. Ice therapy machines use ice water and freezing agents to help with this which in return often helps injuries and pain to heal faster.How does cold therapy work?"Cold therapy works on the basic principle of heat exchange. When a cooler object is put in direct contact with an object that has a warmer temperature the cooler object will drive the heat out of the area that it has direct contact with. Cold therapy is applied to an injury in order to reduce the temperature of the damaged tissue area.This reduction in temperature causes a positive chain of events; first, the cells’ metabolic rate rapidly slows causing them to use less oxygen, as the local blood vessels constrict, this aids in slowing the flow of fluids to the injury site and swelling is reduced. Cold therapy is the key to reducing cell damage. By keeping more cells alive in the damaged area, bruising and fluid buildup is decreased. Additionally, with fewer damaged cells to repair and rebuild, the injured area can recover faster. Pain is also reduced by the numbing of the nerve receptors that send pain signals to the brain."Source: How to use cold therapy machine?To use one of these machines you just need to remove its top. You can then fill the inside tank with water and ice. This will create a freezing cold liquid that will move through the ice therapy machine’s tubing up to its pad (which you place on the area of pain). It will continue to do this according to how long you set its timer or until the water runs out.The Benefits of Using cold therapy machineIce therapy machines have plenty of benefits. Here are a few of them.They Can Be Used on Almost All Areas of the BodyYou’ll often find models like an ice therapy machine for knees or an ice therapy machine for shoulders that you can use. These are specially designed to be used on those areas of the body. However, ice therapy machines can also be […]


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