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The Top 15 Best Indoor Tanning Lotions Reviews

The Top 15 Best Indoor Tanning Lotions Reviews was originally published on Luna Light Therapy Service Blog

Are you looking for indoor tanning lotions to use? If so, you’ve come to the right place. This article will highlight 15 of the top indoor tanning lotions you should consider using. It will also help to identify some important indoor tanning lotion aspects you should look at before buying one.How an Indoor Tanning Lotion WorksAn indoor tanning lotion works much differently from an outdoor tanning lotion. While they both are somewhat similar in their make, an indoor tanning lotion doesn’t rely on the sun like an outdoor tanning lotion does. An indoor tanning lotion helps to invigorate your skin to help open its pores to help it receive more UV exposure. Indoor tanning lotions also rely more on oils to help give your skin a tan. Unlike an outdoor tanning lotion though, indoor tanning lotions usually give you more control over your tanning experience.Things to Look for in an Indoor Tanning LotionBefore you buy an indoor tanning lotion there are a few things you want to look for in one.Auto-Darkening TechnologyThis technology will help to darken your skin quickly. If you’re looking to get a dark tan, you want to make sure the lotion you have includes this. It will darken your skin and make sure the tan is long-lasting. OilsBecause indoor tanning lotions rely on oils to help naturally darken your skin you want to make sure many are included in it. You’ll want to look for oils like coconut and argan to help darken your skin. Besides darkening your skin, these oils will also help to hydrate and strengthen it.BodyFitThis feature will help to firm your skin while you tan. Many indoor tanning lotions include this which helps to prevent fine lines and wrinkles from occurring. Quick Navigation How an Indoor Tanning Lotion WorksThings to Look for in an Indoor Tanning LotionThe Top 15 Best Tanning Lotions ReviewsEd Hardy Coconut Kisses Golden Tanning Lotion, 13.5 ozMillenium Tanning New Paint It Black Auto-darkening Dark Tanning LotionTanning Indoor Lotion | Best Tanning Bed Lotion | Skin Loving Tan Extending By Just NutritiveEd Hardy Elixir Silicone Bronzer Tattoo Fade Protection Tanning LotionBlack & Tan 75x Indoor Tanning Bed Bronzer 13.5OZAustralian Gold Sinfully Black 15x Deep Dark Bronzing Tanning LotionSunGodZ Apollo/Artemis 375X Bronzer Tanning Lotion with Argan, Coconut Oil and Agave2014 Snooki Skinny Dark Black Bronzer Firming Indoor Tanning Bed Lotion SupreFiesta Sun Coconut Dream Ultra Dark Tanning with Clear BronzersEd Hardy Tanista Indoor Tanning Bed Lotion Bronzer w/ Tattoo Protection 13.5 OzSupre Smoke Black Bronzer, Tanning Lotion, 10.5 ozAustralian Gold Jwoww Black Bronzer Dark Tanning Lotion, 13.5 OunceDesigner Skin Body Bronzer, Naked Ambition, 13.5 Fluid OunceKardashian Glow (Platinum) Indoor Tanning Lotion Paraben, Hemp, Gluten Free 13.5 OunceEuropean Gold Dark Star Select, 60x Indoor Tanning Lotion, 13.5 fl ozConclusion The Top 15 Best Tanning Lotions ReviewsEd Hardy Coconut Kisses Golden Tanning Lotion, 13.5 oz Check Price On Amazon This indoor tanning lotion is made with coconut milk, oil, and butter to help hydrate your skin. It contains no bronzing agents but […]


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