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Top 8 Best At-Home LED Light Therapy Mask For Anti-Aging & Acne Reviews 2017

The article Top 8 Best At-Home LED Light Therapy Mask For Anti-Aging & Acne Reviews 2017 was first published to Luna Light Therapy Blog

​Light therapy enthusiasts would know the countless ways in which it has revolutionized skin care. Taking the realm one step forward are LED Light Therapy masks, which are a unique, hands-free approach to acquiring healthy, younger and glowing skin. Dermatologists have started relying on these light therapy masks for treating acne, reducing inflammation and fine lines and softening wrinkles by combining the clinically proven power of light therapy with the convenience of face masks. Say goodbye to those hand-held wand-like devices and say hello to sheer relaxation and rejuvenation. Here are the top 8 light therapy masks you need to know about.​1. Neutrogena Light Therapy Acne Treatment Mask Check The Price ​In order to use and activate the Neutrogena light therapy mask, you will require an activator which has to be plugged in to the mask for experiencing skin rejuvenation.This pack of two mask activator adaptors makes sure that you do not run out of your beauty power.Make sure that the activator is properly inserted so that no sliver of metal is visible and press the button for 1 second to activate your mask. This activator ensures 30 acne treatments for your skin and is designed specifically to be used only with the Neutrogena light therapy mask​2. IlluMask Acne Light Therapy Check The Price ​This face and neck LED mask from Missammy is a step closer to those professional and clinical spa sessions which are necessary for beautiful skin but are so unfriendly to our pockets. This face and neck mask has been specifically designed for reducing the effects of skin ageing and wrinkles. In addition to it, this LED mask also reduces skin inflammation, scarring, dark spots and pigmentation while making the facial skin soft, smooth and supple. Regular use can also help in getting rid of acne and defeating that bacteria living under your skin’s pores.This mask rejuvenates and heals the skin by ejecting blue, infrared and red light through 192 LEDs and is recommended to be used for 15-20 minutes every day for best and most prominent results. This mask is a suitable and effective alternate for oral and topical medications for breakouts and scarring. The presence of 7 electrodes which offer micro-currents and soft electric impulses relaxes and stimulates the muscles of the face, thereby enabling blood and oxygen to flow better.Eye openings are present and silica gel fills up the entire mask which ensures softness and gentleness towards your skin. The skin becomes softer and more radiant in a matter of 8 weeks given one applies the mask at least 4 to 5 times each week. The mask comes with a travel case and stand so you can rest assured of its safe arrival and departure every time. This is one of the most gentle light therapy masks out there, even though it does take longer to showcase results vividly. You can use the controller to set up the mode of working of the mask while controlling the power and experience your skin healing and […]


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