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IRestore Laser Hair Growth System Review – FDA-Cleared Laser Hair Loss Treatment

The following blog post IRestore Laser Hair Growth System Review – FDA-Cleared Laser Hair Loss Treatment was first seen on Luna Light Therapy Service Blog

​Combating hair loss has become a common challenge for the modern man. Men are the most affected by hair loss, but not exclusively. While hair loss is accelerated by the Androgenic Alopecia genetic condition in men, women suffer equally frustrating symptoms that result from polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). This makes hair loss treatment a lifetime task for this kind of people. There are several methods you can resort to manage hair loss. It is easy for men to decide to go bald instead of trying to regrow their hair. For others, the easiest option is wearing a toupee, but at the end of the day, the results are not satisfying. You might also want to consider hair implants surgery, but not a lot of people can stomach the pain, let alone afford the bill. Now, here is the real deal that will fit your schedule and pocket and help to take the embarrassing moments away; the iRestore laser hair growth system. Who says that laser technology is only effective for hair removal? This article is going to tell you everything you need to know about the iRestore hair restoration device; how it works and if it really works. At the end of it all, we will give you its pros and cons based on online consumer reviews. A quick recommendation will then let you know if it is safe to try this revolutionary device. Quick Navigation What is iRestore hair growth system?How the iRestore hair growth system worksHow to use the iRestore laser therapy device safelyiRestore hair growth system reviewsThings We Liked​iRestore laser hair growth system results after 6 months of useThings We Didn't LikeConclusion What is iRestore hair growth system?Freedom Laser Therapy has been dedicated to making laser therapy devices since 2003. In a bid to treat hair loss, they came up with the iRestore low level laser therapy (LLLT) device. iRestore is a wearable helmet-like device that provides comfort, convenience and ease of use for hair loss treatment. The device promises significant results, clearing hair loss and allowing growth of healthier hair within 12-24 weeks.How the iRestore hair growth system works Check The Price Weighing only 1.7 pounds with a dimension of 10.7 x 9.2 x 6.1 inches, the iRestore hair restoration laser therapy device fits easily on your head with its helmet design. This ensures that the light is aimed directly to the scalp. So how does it work?Low light laser therapy has been severally clinically proven to counter hair loss, regrow hair, and encourage the growth of fuller and thicker hair. iRestore uses a 650nm red light on 51 laser and LED lights. The light is absorbed by hair follicles where it boosts cell metabolism, energy and blood circulation, which in turn leads to the growth of healthier hair. Inactive hair follicles are also stimulated to regrow hair.​Watch as Dr. Larsen, an expert in laser and light therapy, explains the science behind iRestore's hair growth technology ​Source: irestorelaserIf regularly used (25 minutes a day on nonconsecutive days) along […]


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