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Best Primers for Acne Prone Skin

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The good face primers should not only help in dealing with acne prone skin, they must also help prevent an increase in sensitivity of the skin. They must also reduce the appearance of acne scars, fine lines and several other skin blemishes that may worsen the effect of acne on the surface of the skin. An acne prone skin is the one that has its hair follicles damaged by certain bacteria. Acne may also be triggered by sudden imbalances in hormones and sometimes improper diets. Acne disorders are normally recognized the blackheads and whiteheads, that they leave behind, or certain tender and reddish coloured bumps characterized by zits and pimples. There are many ways to deal with acne prone skin, however, the use of primers have been regarded as one of the best steps. The characteristic features of acne prone skinOn this page1 The characteristic features of acne prone skin2 What can aggravate acne on acne prone skin?3 Benefits of using a primer for acne prone face4 How to choose the best facial primer for an acne prone skin5 Review of top 3 best primers for acne prone skin5.1 COVER FX Mattifying Primer with Anti-Acne Treatment Full Size5.2 Laura Geller Spackle Under Make-Up Primer - Champagne - 2 Oz5.3 BareMinerals Original Prime Time Foundation Primer5.4 Conclusion The skin has its natural lubricants, including the oily sebum, even though there is no single factor for acne, but an acne prone skin usually witness continuous outbreaks of acne when the sebaceous gland attached to the hair follicles are stimulated, as a result of excessive secretion of the oily sebum or due to hormonal changes at puberty, this in turn will affect the way in which the skin cells mature, thus causing a rapid blocking of skin pores. The blockage of skin pores usually provide an excellent environment for bacteria to thrive, and the growth of bacteria will eventually cause inflammation of the oily acne prone skin .sometimes, even the best makeup removal wipes will not reduce the development of clogged and enlarged hair follicles, it is more important to avoid using irritating substances or habits that may aggravate the situation. For instance, you must not press acne pimple with your bare hands.What can aggravate acne on acne prone skin?Aside from hormonal changes, other factors such as foods, dirt, stress, pressure, and hereditary factors. Often time’s parents do advice their children to avoid greasy or oily foods such as pizza and fries, but researches have also linked certain high carb, chocolate and even milk to the aggravation of acne. Dirt and sweat may not trigger acne but they can act as the main environment for bacteria to thrive and trigger acne continuously. Stress may not play a direct path in acne development but some people develop sudden pimples when they are frightened by a situation. In some situations, an history of hereditary acne infection may occur and this is the most difficult type of acne that can be controlled.Benefits of using a primer […]


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