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Red Light Therapy for Fibromyalgia – How to get rid of fibromyalgia with Red Light Therapy

The following post Red Light Therapy for Fibromyalgia – How to get rid of fibromyalgia with Red Light Therapy is republished from Wendy

Red light therapy is proving to be a wonder treatment for curing some of the common ailments and that too without any side effects. It is a wonderful treatment effectively using to cure pains, aches and skin problems. Fibromyalgia is one of the medical conditions that are easy to treat by Red light therapy. Before we know how red light therapy for fibromyalgia works, let us first learn more about fibromyalgia. What is Fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia is a condition that affects muscles and soft tissue in our body. Symptoms of fibromyalgia include chronic muscle pain, fatigue, painful trigger points and sleep issues. A person suffering from fibromyalgia may also feel stiffness after staying in one position for too long, migraine headaches, numbness in face, arms, legs, and feet, an increase in the urinary urgency of frequency, reduced tolerance for exercise or muscle pain, etc., are some of the symptoms associated with fibromyalgia. It can occur at any age, and the causes of it range widely from hormonal changes to stress to genetics. Taking care of this condition becomes vital as ignorance can lead to increased pain and reduced tolerance. Also, the body can feel incapable of moving freely, and that can cause hindrance in the daily work routine. What is red light therapy for fibromyalgia? Red light therapy has significant ability to heal pains and muscle aches. Red light therapy for fibromyalgia is one of the amazing treatments for the condition. It substantially lowers the pain levels and helps the body to feel more flexible. Red light therapy is one of the unusual techniques that is a drug-free, non-invasive and chemical-free alternative that is known to reduce discomfort and pain to a great extent. One can be sure of this therapy that it won’t lead to any side effects as that is not possible with other medical treatments. Background A few years ago, NASA was in search of a cooling light source to experiment with plant growth on the space missions. Scientists found that when plants exposed to light from LEDs (light emitting diodes), they showed growth. The experiment continued with various formations forward, and they found that cells exposed to near infrared light from LEDs grew 200% faster than the other cells. It happens because the light arrays increased the energy inside the cell to speed up the processes. FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has approved this technology, for temporary relief from aching joints and muscles, increased blood circulation and relaxed muscles. How does light therapy work for fibromyalgia? We all know that light from the sun grants us life and a component of this light are significantly effective in healing our body. Using red light therapy for fibromyalgia helps in uplifting pain and relaxes your body. As part of the treatment, the therapist exposes the affected area to the red light. These infrared rays penetrate deep into the skin and do the healing work. When LED infrared light penetrates the skin, it is absorbed by mitochondria in the cell which is also […]


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