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Red Light Therapy for Rosacea A Brief Guide

The blog post Red Light Therapy for Rosacea – A Brief Guide Read more on:

Rosacea is a chronic skin condition similar to acne that affects adults; it’s almost incurable but easily manageable. It usually affects the central part of the face – nose and cheeks. Typical symptoms include pimples, tiny red rashes and swollen nose and eyelids, tight, itchy, dry skin that may even give you a burning sensation. Various methods of treatments are being used to cure Rosacea, and one of the non-invasive and successful treatment method is red light therapy for Rosacea. It’s an unsightly and embarrassing condition, and it can get triggered by stress, alcohol, and spicy food – very bothersome! This condition is nearly incurable, but you can get relief from it. Various medicines and therapies have emerged over the years to manage this condition, and red light therapy for Rosacea is one of the most effective treatment. What is red light therapy and why use red light therapy for Rosacea? What is red light therapy? Well, it is an alternative to physician-administered laser treatment and involves flashing red light directly at the afflicted area. It is believed to help reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, etc., provide pain relief, make skin look younger, and help manage Rosacea. It has no known adverse side effects. Red light therapy is also known as photorejuvenation, photonic stimulation, photobiomodulation, low-level laser therapy and so on. It is capable of penetrating the human skin up to a depth of 8 to 10mm. On absorption, the light is converted into cellular energy and it stimulates the body’s natural process, helping to increase blood circulation, lymphatic activity, release more collagen and fibroblasts, quicker cellular clean up, stimulate tissue granulation and reduce inflammation. Red light therapy for Rosacea Red light therapy for rosacea comes in different wavelengths – between 620 nm and 700 nm. You need to decide what wavelength you want to use. Typical home use products use a red light of 630-660 nm wavelength. In fact, many devices offer two to three different wavelengths. You also need to decide whether you want to use a handheld device or tabletop, whether you want a portable one (you may need it if you travel a lot), and so on. If you are suffering from a mild case of rosacea, then a hand-held device will work just fine. If the condition is severe, then you might want to invest in a tabletop one. Again, if you’re a frequent traveler on account of work or holidays, it would make sense also to have a handheld device that you can take with you. You may also want to consider how much customer support is available from the company manufacturing the device. Check how easy or difficult it will be to contact customer support to answer your queries regarding proper usage, light angles, side effects, warranty and so on. Before we tell you what to buy, here’s a list of what you should avoid Don’t buy disposable devices; a red light device should be a one time purchase Battery operated products: it’s […]


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