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Red Light Therapy for Back Pain – A Revolutionary Solution to Treat Back Pain

The following post Red Light Therapy for Back Pain – A Revolutionary Solution to Treat Back Pain is available on Luna Light Therapy Service Blog

Back pain can create real trouble for a person and significantly affect her/his daily life activities. Not only that, but it can also cause a lot of discomforts even when one is doing nothing. The lower back joint is one of the most used joints in the human body. There can be multiple causes of back pain including injury, disease, incorrect posture or overuse. People resort to a different kind of treatment to get solace from back pain and red light therapy for back pain is considered as a revolutionary concept to treat chronic back pain. Red light therapy for back pain treament and its effects People are increasingly suffering from back pain problem these days and try a lot of methods of alleviating the pain. However, a very few are actually able to find a solution while the other keep struggling. There are many drugs available in the market along with physical therapy for back pain that can give relief but these drugs can lead to mental and physical side effects. In addition, they don’t cure the problem but only subsidise the pain for a while. Different type of back pain therapies With advancements in technology and medical science, many other options are now available to make you feel better in pain. These include physiotherapies, natural therapies, massages, physical therapy for back pain, Su Jok therapy for back pain, laser therapy for back pain, ozone therapy for back pain, etc. One such really great technique to help you deal with excessive back pain is red light therapy. It is one of the most secure and efficient ways for helping you get rid of the pain in you back. Red light therapy for back pain over physical therapy In physical therapy for back pain, you can have active and passive physical therapies. It is a non-surgical treatment applied to the patient before being taken for any other advanced treatment. The idea of physical therapy is to improve the functioning of the area and reduce pain. Su Jok therapy for back pain is a Korean way of non-invasive treatment invented by Park Jae Woo. In Korean language, Su means hand and Jok mean foot. This is a holistic healing technique and widely using as an alternative treatment for chronic back pain. Laser therapy  is extensively seen using to treat chronic back pain before the introduction of red light therapy. Specific wavelengths of light are passed through the tissues to help the pain healing process. Ozone therapy is a minimally invasive treatment applied to reduce low back pain issues. This treatment is applied by injecting ozone gas with oxygen into the spine for reduction of pain. How red light therapy for back pain did came into existence? It was back in 2003 when NASA was researching for a cool light source in order to conduct plant growth experiments in space. It was then discovered the Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) were quite beneficial to the promotion of plants’ growth. Further experiments were then […]


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