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Showing posts from March, 2016

Red Light Therapy For Stretch Marks – An Easy Way To Get Rid Of Those Unwanted Marks

The following blog post Red Light Therapy For Stretch Marks – An Easy Way To Get Rid Of Those Unwanted Marks See more on: Red light therapy for stretch marks is making waves as an effective treatment today. But first, let’s understand how stretch marks appear. Anyone who has recently delivered a baby, gained or lost weight suddenly, or used corticosteroids, is likely to develop stretch marks; women and Caucasians are at a greater risk to develop these than others – as are obese people and individuals with adrenal gland disorders. These appear on your skin as a result of the skin stretching suddenly, leading to increased cortisone in your system, which makes your skin lose its elasticity. While they may appear anywhere, they are most commonly seen on the stomach, breasts, upper arms, thighs, and buttocks.They are not painful but unsightly – and through the years, people have tried all sorts of creams, lotions and exercises to treat them, but these are seldom effe...

Red Light Therapy for Back Pain – A Revolutionary Solution to Treat Back Pain

The following post Red Light Therapy for Back Pain – A Revolutionary Solution to Treat Back Pain is available on Luna Light Therapy Service Blog Back pain can create real trouble for a person and significantly affect her/his daily life activities. Not only that, but it can also cause a lot of discomforts even when one is doing nothing. The lower back joint is one of the most used joints in the human body. There can be multiple causes of back pain including injury, disease, incorrect posture or overuse. People resort to a different kind of treatment to get solace from back pain and red light therapy for back pain is considered as a revolutionary concept to treat chronic back pain. Red light therapy for back pain treament and its effects People are increasingly suffering from back pain problem these days and try a lot of methods of alleviating the pain. However, a very few are actually able to find a solution while the other keep struggling. There are many drugs available in the market...

How to Use Light Therapy

Light Therapy Is More Effective Than Prozac In Major Depression

Feeling SAD? New data shows that light therapy is more effective than Prozac on patients with significant depression. Introduction Bright light therapy has a proven track record of success in the treatment of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), commonly referred to as the winter blues. A new study from the University of British Columbia shows that this simple and safe therapy is effective for non-seasonal major depression. In fact, researchers showed light therapy was much more effective than fluoxetine (Prozac). Background Data During the winter months, sufferers of SAD typically feel depressed; they generally slow down, oversleep, overeat, and crave carbohydrates. In the summer, these same people feel elated, active, and energetic. Although many variables may be responsible for SAD, the lack of exposure to full-spectrum natural light appears to be the most logical explanation. The antidepressive effects of full-spectrum light therapy have been demonstrated in well-monitor...