The following blog post Red Light Therapy For Stretch Marks – An Easy Way To Get Rid Of Those Unwanted Marks See more on: Red light therapy for stretch marks is making waves as an effective treatment today. But first, let’s understand how stretch marks appear. Anyone who has recently delivered a baby, gained or lost weight suddenly, or used corticosteroids, is likely to develop stretch marks; women and Caucasians are at a greater risk to develop these than others – as are obese people and individuals with adrenal gland disorders. These appear on your skin as a result of the skin stretching suddenly, leading to increased cortisone in your system, which makes your skin lose its elasticity. While they may appear anywhere, they are most commonly seen on the stomach, breasts, upper arms, thighs, and buttocks.They are not painful but unsightly – and through the years, people have tried all sorts of creams, lotions and exercises to treat them, but these are seldom effe...